
Business Strategy:

-> AIM: creating a sustainable competitive advantage.

-> HOW: Creating objectives and strategic plan.

-> It follows a number of steps:

1.ORIENTATIONVision, Mission, Goals: business boundaries definition
2.ANALYSIS or DIAGNOSISExternal Analysis  SWOT Analysis Internal Analysis
3.DECISION-MAKINGStrategic Alternatives Generation Strategic Alternatives Assessment and Selection
4.IMPLEMENTATIONStrategy Implementation


-> DEF: orientate the company to the markets;

-> HOW: Vision, Mission, Purpose, Objectives and Boundaries;

VISION: long-term view of the business of the company.

  • Strategic direction;
  • Aka: Industry Foresight.
  • Industry specific: embraces the BA to evolution.

MISSION: the road map of how to achieve the goals set in the vision statement.

  • Expected strategic role.
  • Aka: Strategic Intent;
  • Firm Specific: how a company should develop a strategy accordint to the trends.

PURPOSE: is the reason why the company exist.

OBJECTIVES: Goals steering the whole Strategy Formulation Process:

Analysis or DiagnosisDecision-MakingImplementationControl

-> Key Features: have to be SMART

  • SPECIFIC: shell be reliable on what they are focus on and what wants to achieve;
  • APPROPRIATE: Consistent with the company mission and vision;
  • REALISTICS: neather impossible nor too easy;
  • TIMELY: must be related to a timeline


-> The different boundaries define the Business Area…


-> DEF: Core of the formulation process at business level.

-> Influence:

  • Possibility to achieve its strategic objectives;
  • Business strategies to reach objectives;
  • Chances to create and sustain a competitive advantage.

-> We devide in:

  • EXTERNAL: consider the external environment the company operates

-> Overall trends -> Opportunity/ Threat

  • INTERNAL: focuses on a specific company;

-> Compare it to competitors -> Strengths/ Weaknesses

BENCHMARKING: competition or trial to understand how good is the company.

Decision Making:

-> From the SWOT we have to define some strategic alternatives…

-> We define strategic alternatives assessment and selection with…

Scenario AnalysisEconomic and Financial ForecastsSensitivity Analysis

-> These will guide the strategic and enterpreneurial acumen.


-> We will implement the strategy with Tactical Choices.

-> These are supported by different model, we use

BUSINESS MODEL: consider the implication of a company business straetgy on a unified set of builden blocks and parameters;


-> Control Steps = Budgeting Variance Analysis: studying delta between expected and achieved performances, understanding the causes

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