
Business Strategy level > INTERNAL ANALYSIS:

-> REFERS TO: company values, goals, organizational structure, systems and activities, resources and competences.

-> OBJ: Cost and values differentiation and define Strength and Weaknesses;

  • Assess the SBU CA concerning Cost and Value.

-> PROSPECTIVE: internal to the company.


  • Porter’s Value Chain Model.
  • Core Resources and Competencies approach.

Value Chain Model:

-> DEF: method to support the internal strategy analysis process;

  • Mcheal Porter, Competitve Advantage 1985.

-> IDEA: we don’t have to consider the company as a black box.

⚠S and W are lead by company’s structure.

-> A company’s source of cost/value competitive advantages depend on:

  • The overall system of activities (boundary);
  • The single significant activities;
  • The links between activities.

-> The value chain is referred to a specific SBU.

-> Index:

  • Three levels;
  • Competitive Advantage:
  • Activities;
  • Principles;
  • Model’s Limitation;
  • Generic Strategy.

The Three levels to act:

  • Signle activities;
  • Links between external and internal activities;
  • Overall system of activities (Vertical Integration);

-> Focus on:

  • Single Activities:
    • Cost Drivern or
    • Value Driven;
  • Link Between Activities
  • System of Activities > Vertical Integration.

-> Going Deeper.

Competitive Advantage:

-> We focus on:

  • COST competitive advantage;
  • VALUE competitive advantage;

COST competitive advantage:

-> Cost CA and Economic value:

-> Divide in:

  • Specific Activities;
  • Links Between Activities;
  • Overall system of activities;
Specific Activities:

-> CA may depend on the way companies runs the acitivies.

-> Analysis’ steps:

  1. Identification of activities considered “significant” for what concerns costs:
    • High impact on overall costs;
    • Different causes;
    • Different behaviour of competitors;
  2. Evalutation of specific activities’ costs, benchmark to competitors.

-> Main problems:

  • Cost accounting registrations not consistent;
  • Shared activities;
  1. Identification of the costs’ specific determinants;

-> Each activity has specific cost structure => hence its costs’ determinants may be different⚠

-> Example determinants of costs:

  • Economies of scale;
  • Economies of learning;
  • Degree of saturation of the production capacity;
  • Localisation;
  • Preferential access to distribution;
  • Institutional factors;
  • Product/process design;
Links Between Activities:

-> CA depend on the way the company manages the links between:

  • its activities (internal links);
  • its activities and those of customers and suppliers (external links);

-> Ttechniques as JIT, concurrent engineering and design for manufacturing optimized both internal and external links.

Overall system of activities:

-> CA depends on make or buy choices

VALUE competitive advantage:

-> OBJ: making the product/service unique for the customer.

  • Quality: product’s nominal performances, but also effective performances
  • Time: both for what concerns delivery time and time to market
  • Service: both incorporated with the product or complementary
  • Variety/customisation: fullness of the array of products and level of personalisation
  • Reputation: both of the firm and of the brand

-> Value CA and Economic Value:

-> It depends on:

  • Single activities;
  • Links between activities;
  • Overall system of activities;


  • PRIMARY ACTIVITY: create value for the customers, transforming directly the input in output.
  • SUPPORT ACTIVITY: have no direct impact in the transformation of the input in output, but they are crosscutting and enabling process.


  1. COMPANY-SPECIFIC MODEL: the VC is specific for the company analyzed;
  2. INDUSTRY-SPECIFIC: refers to a specific strategic business unit working in a specific BA;
  3. FLEXIBLE: can be adopted to other services => Primary and Support Activity can be remodel.

-> When remodeling a VC remember that the following features have to be true:

  • Extenction Primary and Support Activity;
  • Looking for a Cost and Value differential;
  • Identify Positive and Negative differenthial throught the three levels of analysis (before discussed);

Model’s Limitations:

-> The VC has some limitations:

Manufactoring oridentedAdjusting and costumize the model (for the specific company);
Linear vision of company’s activities, B2B relationship;Value network analysis;
Little focus on international resources and competences;Resource-based view of the firm;

Generic Strategies:

-> Micheal Porter propoese an alternative to SWOT: the Generic Compeititive Strategies;

-> They can be distigued by:

  • Type of Advantage: Cost Advantage (Efficiency) or Uniqueness & Value (Effectiveness)
  • Competitive Scope: Overall Market or Target Segmentation;

-> Cost leadership strategy is the union of the type of advantage and competitive scope.

FOCUS STRATEGY: if we find clusters of customers.

-> Porter trhought that these strategy can not be pursued at the same time.

-> Using the Porter’s Generic Strategies and the Strategic Alternatives we can create the BUSINESS MODEL.

Resource and Competence-Based View:

A critique of Positioning School:

-> Positioning School focus on:

  • Spotting most attractive BA (external analysis) and…
  • Shaping the right competitive positioning in such BA (internal analysis).

-> However:

  • CA does not come only from competitive positioning;
  • The focus strategy cannot be placed outside of the company’s boundaries (outside-in approach);
  • PS leads to a distorted vision of company’s organizational structure (SBUs are separated and fully devoted to cover BAs, “Tyranny or the SBUs” (Hamel, Prahalad, 1990))


Resource & Competence-Based View

-> DEF: Model that define the company as a unique pool of, tangible or intangible, resources and competences.

  • If the resource doesn’t produce enought value for the customers is not a resource.
  • The possession of the distinctive assets constitutes the basis of a company’s competitive advantage.
  • Alternative for internal analysis;

CORE RESOURCE or COMPETENCE: area of specialiser expertise within the company, resulting from specific the harmonisation of complex technology streams and working activities, and which:

  • Offers benefits to custumer;
  • Is hardly imitable by competitors;
  • You can leverage in a multitude of products and/ or markets.

-> Forms of Valuable Resources:

  • Tangible, physical assets;
  • Intangible asset;
  • Derive from an organizational skill resident in the firm’s routines, processes or culture.

-> Instead of a portfolio of products, a company should seen as portfolio of competencies.

-> Those that (R & C) that influence the achievement of competitive advantage & determine how efficiently and effectively a company carries out its funcional activities.

RCBV Approach > 5 core test:

-> DEF: test to find out if a resource is core or not.

  • Collins, Montgomery, 1995):
  • Help a company to identify core resources and competencies
  1. Inimitability: hard to copy, thanks to physical uniqueness, path

  dependency, causal ambiguity and economic deterrence

  1. Durability: slowly depreciating
  2. Appropriability: creating value that is easily captured by the firm
  3. Non-substitution: not replaceable by alternative resources satisfying

  the same need

  1. Competitive superiority: performing better than competitors’ resources

-> “Does this resource create an impact value for my customers?”

-> Competences should be in a very high level in company.

-> We can divide in tangible and tangible assets:

Strategic Business Unit vs Core Resource & Competence:

  • Positioning School > CA: right strategic positioning of the company and on the chain of activities it performs (POV privilegs external analysis);

  • RCBV > CA: stemming from the pool of distinctive core resources and competencies that the company developed, (POV internal analysis);

-> if Positioning School looks within a company’s boundary to identify strengths and weaknesses in the value chain => is looking for core resources and competencies;

-> if RCBV has little significance if deprived of link with external environment > Resources & Competencies can not be assessed if they are isolated.

-> Resource is valuable in a bicen BA and in a given timeframe.

VRIO Analysis

-> DEF: tool to find competitive edge by assessing businesses’ value resources & capabilities.

  • value, Rarity, Imitability, Organization are the key success indicators for a business

-> Further reading;

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