

1.Integrated Multichannel Communication

-> DEF COMMUNICATION: Tools through which the company informs, persuades, and reminds consumers – directly or indirectly – of its product and brands.

  • Communication is codification. How create the messages and how share it.

Phases of Communication Process:


-> Different targets required different type of communication:

1.Institutional (corporate) communication:

-> Managers have to build & manage company image towards:

 ✦ Public ✦ Market ✦ Stakeholders✦ Policy makers ✦ Suppliers ✦ Governmental agencies

2.Commercial communication

-> Oriented to markets in order to sell.

3.Internal communication

-> Internally-oriented (directed to employees, labour unions, etc)

  • Integrated Communication

-> DEF: unified approach to communication offering to customers or users a unified experience across all the channels.

=> The company informs, persuades, and reminds consumers – directly or indirectly – of its product and brands in a coordinated way across all the channels and along the phases.

AIDA Model:

-> DEF: designing touchpoints and goals along the different phases of the relationship with customers along the communication funnel.

  • Was prevailing in the era of broadcast media (television advertising above all), where companies get the attention and then the interest of customers and sustain the creation of desires and turn the desire into action.
  • Attention: a product can’t be sold if the market is not aware of its existence, the first step is to attract the attention of potential customers;
  • Interest: attention is not sufficient, companies need to spark customers’ interest in the product by demonstrating its features, uses, and benefits;
  • Desire: companies need to further stimulate customers’ desire by convincing them with products’ superiority and ability to satisfy specific needs;
  • Action: after convincing the potential customers to buy the product, promotion then needs to push them toward actual purchase;

-> Word of Mouth: are channels like influencers, tiktock

2.Communication Process:


Defining the target Defining objectives of the communication plan Developing the message to convey Selecting the channelsDefining the communication budget Defining the communication mix Performance assessment 

1.Define the Target:

  • Prospects;
  • Current Customers;
  • Deciders or influencers;


  • what to communicate
  • how to communicate
  • where to communicate
  • when to communicate

2.Set the Objectives:

-> The learn-feel-do model:

  • Come and buy: comunication like Esselunga: in the christmas period they prepare the discount for the period.

-> Different from the family communication.

-> Potential objectives could be:

  • Sales
  • Equity
  • Influence on purchase process

3.Developing the Message to Convey:

4.Selecting the Channels:

Storer; Phone; Web;Mobile; Catalogue; Press.

5.Defining the Communication Budget:

-> Influential Factors:

Product life cycle stage Desired market share General market dimension (to spread the message) CompetitionProduct substitutability Investment in adv Relation between desired market share and advertising share

-> Example: According to Nielsen’s researches, in 2002 you needed to reach 17% of the advertising share to obtain 10% as market share ( thus the balance was 1,7 ÷ 1 )

6.Defining the Communication Mix:

-> Communication levers:

advertising Sales promotion PR: Public Relationdirect marketing personal selling On-line (Seo (Search Engine Optimization)/Sem (Search Engine Marketing), socials, ..)

7.Performance Assessment:

-> KPI definition on the basis of the initial objectives

Sales ImageAwareness Click per view


Qualitative research methodologiesAim To choose the best solution for the target among different alternatives To assess the potential impact of the communication strategy before being shown-offQualitative and quantitative research methodologiesAim To detect potential qualitative problem regarding the product To measure the initiative’skpi To track the initiative’s impact

3.Communication Mix

-> Exist different communication levers:

Presentation of the Commercial Offering:Advertising: ✦  spot ✦  press  ✦  billboards ✦  Internet
Inventives for Customers & Intermediaries:Sales promotion: ✦ Contests ✦ Special offers ✦ Free samples  ✦ Coupons ✦ Show-offs  
Inexpensive (?) Press Insertinos:Sponsorships and PR ✦  press releases, exhibitions ✦  conferences, seminars, congresses  ✦  public relations
Direct Communication:Direct marketing:
✦ telemarketing ✦ call center
  ✦ internet  
VisitPersonal selling: sales focre 

-> CHAR of the levers of the communicaiton mix:

AdvPersonal SellingSales PromotionDirect MarketingPRSponsorship
High number of contacts, partly far from the target Long- term effect High investment, but low cpc High control on communicationLow number of contacts Long term effects (but also long term…) High cpc Risk of disturbing the brand imageHigh number of contacts Short term effects (but also long term…) High cpc Risk of disturbingHigh selectivity, efficiency Short term effect High cpc (but internet decreases costs) Risk of disturbing customersLow number of contacts Long-term oriented Low investment, but low controlPotentially high number of contacts Risk for the brand image (low control) High investment to avoid that the brand is “hidden by the event”

Factors influencing the communication mix

✦  Type of customer ✦  Product lifecycle ✦  Market positioning✦  Customer awareness and ability to perceive ✦  Competitors


✦ Market leaders are more effective in adv                     ✦ New entrants —> sales promotion

Factors influencing the communication mix

B2C 👤B2B 🏭
Producers are generally focused on: ✦ Sales promotions ✦ Advertising ✦ Public Relations ✦ Direct MarketingProducers are generally focused on: ✦ Personal selling ✦ Sales promotions ✦ Public relations ✦ Direct marketing -> Advertising weights less in B2B markets  (due to the fact that in B2B markets a more direct and tailored relationship with the customer is required)

CPC: Cost Per Contect, is good fro keep undr control the sells.

4.The New Media Mix:

Media Mix Types:

-> Interruption media Owned media Paid media+ diplay advertising
-> Interaction media: Owned media Paid media + Earned media + Sold media + Hijacked media  + Native adv, content, interaction, and co-creation

The “New” Media mix:

  1. Viral Marketing: get your users market for you;
  2. Digital Public Relations (Digital PR): Get your brand out through traditional media, foster your relationship.

-> Guerriglia marketin: the company don’t have the same money of cocacola but have to find a way that people talk about u even if you don’t have enough money.

  1. Unconventional PR: make something extraordinary. People will takl about it.
  2. Search & SEO:

-> Search engine: Being found on search engines (Google) is fundamental to be reached by your customers. Optimization of content and structure of websites (set of rules and guidelines).

=> SEO / SEM optimization Monitoring performances

  1. Search Ads:

Advertising on Google means (Google Adwords ):

  • Defining a target (geographical, behavioral)
  • Defining category in which being inserted
  • Defining a set of keywords
  • Deciding the budget and thus the REACH
  • Monitoring results, and thus: nr of Impressions, CTR, CPM
  1. Display ads:

-> Exist different ways to display an advertisement.

BannerThe first adv tool used online, in 1994 by Hotwired. Static banner: brand awareness Animated banner: with dynamic content Interactive banner: call to action
StripStrip (h:30 pix) below upper navigation bar Masthead Horizontal banner (h: 250 pix) below upper navigation bar Display adv format source: http://www.iab.com
MicrositeA mini website developed on specific occasion by a company. E.g.: for the launch of a new product, or a product line
Overlay (or floating ad)Animation 15 sec. long appearing over the page. The user can close it earlier ending the video. High attention and high CTR.
Pop-upA variable size window appearing while the user performs specific actions, like entering a site, opening a new page, etc. Very effective in getting attention, it is considered intrusive
InterstitialA dynamic page with music and animation, opening while navigating through pages of a website. Brand awareness Considered as intrusive

  1. Mobile Push Notificaitons Marketing:

-> DEF: push notifications acquired importance and centrality, with the majority of internet access occurring from mobile

Warnings about the status of a process Customer care Reminders or alerts• Call to action
  1. Content Marketing: every company is a media company.
  2. Social Media:

-> DEF: Corporate pages on main social media to create and engage communities. Companies can:

• Nr of fan / like / follower • Level of engagement (sharing, comments) • Audience (REACH) of single posts or campaignsCTR and CPM of adv campaigns • Behavioral Analysis / Sentiment Analysis • Segmenting audience
  1. Email Marketing – DEM Mailing Campaigns

-> Mailing Campaigns: Company creates large databases of users, clients, leads and send them periodical newsletters, monitoring

• Audience (nr of people in the list) • Bounce rate (hard and soft) • Click rate• Unsubscribe rate • Open rate
  1. Affiliate Marketing:

-> DEF AFFILIATE CAMPAIGNS/ SEEDING CAMPAIGNS: A company that want to add / sell content to its own marketplace can create affiliation programs on both directions:

  • to increase the offer of a marketplace;
  • to seed with content other platforms and receive traffic.

-> In both cases, there is a revenue share mechanism

  1. Community Building:

-> Like Wikipedia.

-> Lot of social don’t let you write something they don’t want.

  1. Native Advertinsing In–Feed:
In – feed Paid Search Recommendation WidgetPromoted Listing Customized


  • Content (video, audio, text) created specifically for a site, adopting the same editorial style. There must be a disclaimer stating it is a sponsored ads.
  • Results of a search on a search engine. They appear in the first places and have the disclaimer ”Ad”
  • Recommendation widgets are a form of native advertising where an ad or paid content link is delivered via a “widget.”
  • Native content in website that don’t have an editorial format. Like ecommerce, classified ads websites, etc.



-> DEFuse of software to purchase digital advertising, as opposed to the traditional process that involves RFPs (Requests for Proposals), human negotiations and manual insertion orders. It’s using machines to buy ads, basically.

  • Before programmatic ad buying, digital ads were bought and sold by human ad buyers and salespeople, who can be expensive and unreliable.
  • Programmatic advertising technology promises to make the ad buying system more efficient, and therefore cheaper, by removing humans from the process wherever possible.


-> DEF: display inventory to be purchased by the individual impression through a bidding system that unfolds in the milliseconds before a webpage is loaded by a consumer.

  • The targeting and cost efficiency opportunities presented by RTB are making it a revolutionary force in the online advertising landscape

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