
Exam Simulation

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1.Which of the following alternatives represents the right logical order for strategy formulation at a business level?

  1. Orientation-analysis-decision-implementation-control
  2. Orientation-analysiz-implementation-control-decision
  3. Orientation-control-decision-analysis-implementation
  4. Orientation-decision-analysis-implementation-control

2.Which of the following dimensions is not mapped in the Abbel Space?

  1. Market attractiveness
  2. customer functions
  3. different technologies
  4. customer groups

3.The SWOT Analysis adopts the following perspectives:

  1. Internal and External Analyses are performed from the same standpoint
  2. Internal Analysis considers the average player in the industry wihle external considers the company’s view on the industry 
  3. Internal Analysis is subjective while External Analysis is possibily objective
  4. External Analysis focuses on trends outside of the business area while the Internal analysis considers only your company’s strenghts and weaknesses 

4.The SWOT Analysis:

  1. Support the process of strategic alternatives generation
  2. Allow formulating a proper Corporate Strategy
  3. Favors results of internal analysis rather than those coming from the external analysis
  4. Could be avoided if at least one of contexts is analyzes (external or internal) rely on historical data

5.External Analysis…

  1. allows to identify a companys competative advantage it holds in a given industry 
  2. through the assessment of the five competitive forces allows to orchestrate the management of a business portfolio at a Corporate level 
  3. focuses on the identification of the markets critical sucess factors
  4. is a key step of the strategy formulation process at a business unit level 

6.Corporate Strategy:

  1. Has the ultimate goal of creating operational synergies;
  2. Considers the bank effect as an advantage operationally similar SBUs enjoy
  3. Should decide to constitute either a fully correlated or a fully conglomeral portfolio
  4. May reflect corporate managers’ willingness to extend the company’s research in a search for power

7.Within the Value Chain Model:

  1. Primary activities operationally take care of the input-output transformation
  2. Infrastructure activities govern the company’s technological infrastructure
  3. Inbound logistics covers activities like suppliers selection
  4. Support activities are unrelated to primary activities

8.What is the meaning of market orientation?

  1. Produce and sell products to your customers
  2. A company close to the customers
  3. Undrstanding the customer’s needs; define the product and sell
  4. Push the sales

9.The business Model:

  1. Describes how the company creates value
  2. Support in strategy execution
  3. Can be used by incumbents and startups alike
  4. All the options above are correct

10.Which of the following options concerning BOS is correct?

  1. BOS is the one approach anytime a company needs to innovate its strategy
  2. BOS helps stimulating strategic lateral thinking
  3. BOS explicitly includes the use of the business model
  4. BOS’s value attributes as-is represent what competitors believe they should compete to create competitive advantage

11.Entrepreneurial Strategy:

  1. Should be employed by startups only
  2. Aims at creating competitive advantage
  3. Suggest to forego the traditional strategy formulation process
  4. Complies with most of the steps in Corporate Strategy

12.Which of the following alternativeS best describes a digital business strategy?

  1. A DBS is a functional-level strategy allowing to reduce operational costs
  2. A DBS is a business strategy which is inherently Digital in nature, aim and scope
  3. A DBS goes beyond IT function as involves all the key steps of a business strategy
  4. A DBS should be aligned with a business strategy.

13.Which of the following alternative is correct?

  1. Distruptive innovation largely comes about as a result of listening to the needs of your current audience
  2. Big Bang Distruptors introduce new attributes that some niche market would value and different from the one mainstream customers historically value
  3. Sustaining innovations is all about shooting for a new audience or persuading existing users that they want something different
  4. Big Bang Distruptors start life with a better performance at a lower price and greater customization
  5. Big Bang Distruptors compete with mainstream products on straetegy, development and growth right from the start

14.The service marketing model evisages 7P. In which of these responses is there a P that is not present in the seven Ps?

  1. Product, place, positioning;
  2. Product, process, people
  3. Price, product, Physical Evidence
  4. Promotion, People, Place
  5. None of the above

15.What is the right progression of economic value in marketing terms?

  1. Product, Price, Place, Promotion
  2. Market, Consumer, Product, Services
  3. Commodities, Goods, Services, Experiences
  4. High Price, Good Quality, More Margin

16.In marketing terms, what is a segment?

  1. A mix of products
  2. A group of customers with a similar needs
  3. The right products for the right customers
  4. The best customer

17.What is Remarketing in the Digital Marketing?

  1. The ability to target users with relevant content based on user data and to byu one impression at a time to increase efficiency and effectiveness of the buy
  2. Is a piece of code to track users’ activities
  3. Is a way to connect with people who previously interacted with your website or mobile app
  4. Is the buying and selling of ad impressions through ad exchanges and platforms

18.Who among these actors is normally remunerated with a precentage commission on turnover?

  1. Wholesalers
  2. Retailers
  3. Agents
  4. Direct salesman

19.What sentence is wrong about the positioning?

  1. Positioning is the position that the company wishes to have in the marketplace
  2. Positioning is the way in a which a company wishes to be leader on the marketplace
  3. Positioning is the way in which a company is perceived relative to competitors in its marketplace by customers
  4. Positioning is a part of STP methodology

20.The mark-up pricing policy is a methodology based on?

  1. Customer-based pricing
  2. Cost-based pricing
  3. Competitor-based pricing
  4. Noen of the above

21.Which of the following options cannot be classified as Negative Advertising?

  1. Paid search
  2. Content marketing
  3. Promoted listing
  4. Customized


  1. A
  2. A
  3. C
  4. A
  5. D
  6. D
  7. A
  8. C
  9. D
  10. B
  11. B
  12. B, C
  13. D
  14. A
  15. C
  16. B
  17. C
  18. C
  19. B   (STP: Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning)
  20. B
  21. B

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