-> DEF: definition of the physical oragnization of the factory:
- Search of the most efficient location of the shops (areas of activities) within a given building or area available in a building.
- Shops might have needs of space very different one from the other.
- The objective is the minimization of costs of “relation” between the shops, respecting plant constraints (facility physical structural constraints, building constraints, floor maximum load allowed, service infrastructures)
-> OBJ: create a CAD draqing of the factory layout.
- Optimize the efficiency of meterial flows and the relation between productive areas (and non-productive areas)
- The objective function:
- f_i,j: material flow between two areas/shops i, j.
- c_i,j: cost per unit of movements between two area/ shops i, j;
- d_i,j: distance between two areas/ shops i,j.
❓Which are the element to be considered?
-> Comparing the lead time we can understand if a company is better than another, bacause is a matter of cost.
-> A good layout is a matter of the relationship between the areas.
- Good relationship: e.g. maintanence office is near the job shop;
- Negative relationship: e.g. have noisy machines near to the office.
-> We can decouple the production system in two part: the system and the product
Factory planning models framework:
LAYOUT DESIGN or FACTORY PLANNING: is the activity of defining a factory.
CAPACITY Design: is the act of defining the number of machiaries.
- In the manufacturing cells we saw the material flow analysis.
-> Designing a system we should know:
- How many machines,
- How big is the material flow;
-> Layout can be designed with different techniques:
Capacity | Material Flow | Layout | |
Stationary deterministic models | WorkLoad Analysis Linear programming | Mat. Flow Analysis Linear programming | Mat. Flow Analysis Linear programming |
Stationary stochastic models | Queue network Markov models | Queue network Markov models | — |
Dynamic deterministic models | Simulation DES | Simulation DES | Simulation DES |
Dynamic stochastic models | Simulation DES | Simulation DES | Simulation DES |
Planning Overview:
- Identifies the main areas;
- Decide where to put the machineries in these areas:
Models for FLP Analysis:
-> OBJ: formulate problems as objective functions with given constraints (linear programming models)
- Rectilinear distance;
- Euclidean distance;
- Actual distance.
-> CONSTRAINTS: linear programming models
Phases of the project:
-> Using the systematic layout planning methodology of Richard Muther:
1.Product Analysis:
-> ABC Analysis on products supports strategic definition of factory layout;
- Layout product oriented vs layout process oriented:
-> From To table or Origin Destination table:
- Row: from row…
- Colum: … to colum.
3.Relationship Analysis:
-> DEF RELATIONSHIP CHART: identifies the requirements of relation between shops (i.e. areas of activity) (between shop i and shop j).
-> Causes and importance of relations are identified by dedicated codes.
->The scale give us the information about how much is strong the relation and the code the type of relation.
4.Graph & Space Diagram:
-> DEF: the processes are converted into graph and in space diagram.
- Space diagram is an initial layout: it results from converting the operations in the shops (area of activities) into the area correspondently required.
-> Areas should be adjusted and eventually relocated after verifying the available areas.
Heuristics Techniques for the solution search:
-> DEF: technique designed for solving a problem more quickly when classic methods are too slow, or for finding an approximate solution when classic methods fail to find any exact solution.
- Seach of a good solution;
- Automation of search VS nteractive search;
-> OBJ: produce a solution in reasonable time frame that is good enough for solving the problem at hand.
- May produce result by themeselves or may be use in conjunciton with optimization algoritms to improve efficiency.
Heuristic MAT (Modular Allocation Technique):
-> Starting grom green field:
- Order couple of positions with growing distance:
- Order couple of shops with decreasing flow:
3. DESIGN CRITERIA: shops with larger exchanged flow should be positioned one beside the other (to minimize operative costs):
4.Reflect on a different method and perspective (different from the heuristic MAT):
Computized Layout Technique:
-> HP:
- Given space is rectangular shaped;
- Every shop is either rectangular shaped or composed of rectangular pieces.
=> We shall discuss:
- Layout improvement procedure (CRAFT) that attempts to find a better layout by pair-wise interchanges when a layout is given;
- Layout construction procedure (ALDEP) that constructs a layout when there is no layout given.
CRAFT – Computersed Trelative Allocation of Facilities Technique
- One of the first heuristic models;
- Based on the minimization of moving cost among the shops;
- Needs starting layout;
- Working with the objective of which we try to minimize a cost.
-> Given:
- Initial existing layout;
- From-to table;
- Costs of the movements;
- Number of shops to be allocated and their constraints.
-> CRAFT need to have a starting layout:
- 25m: is the distance from 0 to 25 (X axes);
- 30m is the distance of A from 0 (Y axes).
-> 0 it’s in the bottom/ left side of the chart.
-> So we can build these tables:
-> And then compute…
=> Given a layout CRAFT first finds the total distance traveled and the total cost;
-> CRAFT attempts to improve layout by pair-wise interchanges:
- If someone interchange results in some savings in the total distance traveled/ total cost, the interchange that saves the most (total distance traveled/ total cost) is selected;
- While searching for the most savings, exact savings are not computed. At the stage, savings are computed assuming when shops are interchanged, centroids are ingerghanged too.
-> Interchanges can be done on 1 way, with shops that are next to themeselves (one side at least should be connected).
-> Down in the table there are the costs to pay for every exchange:
-> Sometimes an interchange result in a peculiar shape of a shop;
-> It is an improvement procedure, not a construction procedure;
-> Estimated cost reduction may not be obtained after interchange.
ALDEP – Automated Layout Design Program:
-> DEF: technique to create a layout
- Is a construction procedure;
- ALDEP doesn’t need any initial layout.
- Constructs a layout when there is none.
- Size of facility;
- Shops/ areas of activities;
- Size of the shops/ areas of activities;
- Prodimity relationships (activity relationship chart);
- A sweep width (defined later).
-> We need other information:
- Start to allocate the shops from the upper left corner of the facility;
- The first shop is chosen at random (with different shop ALDEP find different layout for same problems).
- To find the next shop to allocate find the shop that has the highest proximity rating with the dock area.
-> Storage area S has th highest proximity rating A with the dock area.
-> The storage area will be allocated next. It also needs 8 blocks.
- See carefully that the allocation started from the upper left corner and started to move downward with an width of 2 (=sweep width) blocks;
- After the down wall is hit, the allocation continues on the adiacent 2 (= sweep width) columns on the right side and starts moving up.
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