Dear reader,
In your next lecture you will find some basic information about strategy and marketing. The main themes are:
- Strategy & Marketing analysis;
- Strategy “Advanced” that include Strategic innovation;
- Marketing;
- Enterpreneurial Strategy & Startups.
This page aim to present the majour concepts, theories, methodologies and tools to support strategic, marketing decision making process and introduce methodologies to launch a new business.
Introduction to Strategy:
-> DEF: Long-term plan that identifies a scope and a direction for the company that aims to achieving and sustaining performance superior to the competitors.
The Value:
How create value?
VALUE PROPOSITION: a selected bundle of products and/or services targeting a group of customers and satisfying well-defined needs.
-> There are three APPROACHES:
1.TECHNOLOGY-DRIVEN APPROACH: innovation driven by product design and manufacturing. In the end presented to customers.
-> Market don’t affect directly the value generation process;
-> Marketing is involved only in the last steps of value generation;
-> Product presented to customers after it’s realization;
2.MARKET-DRIVEN APPROACH: find customers’ needs and target market characteristics:
-> Establishing connection between marketing and strategy;
3.CUSTOM TO-CREATING APPROACH: company identify a customers needings and is help from them to design the product.
-> Focus WHERE create Value:
- BUSINESS AREA (BA): Homogeneus and defined set of competitors offering a similar value propositions to satisfy a homogeneous set of customers’ needs.
- STRATEGIC BUSINESS UNIT (SBU): The part of company that operates in and serves a given business area.
Levels of Strategy:
-> Strategy is multidimensional and multilevel:
- Corporate Strategy level;
- Business Strategy level;
- Functional (Operational) Strategy level;
Corporate Level:
-> DEF: decision of the company strategy.
- Company is seen from helicopter view.
-> GOAL: balance the overall portfolio in terms of:
- Cash-Absorbing SBUs VS Cash-Generating SBUs;
- Differet stages of SBUs lifecycle:
EMERGING Business | FAST-GROWING Business |
MATURE Business | DECLINING business |
- Create the correlation among different SBUs:
CORPORATE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE: competitive advantage that comes from the combination of different businesses of portfolio.
-> Major aspects:
- General strategic objective and guidelines to provide to each SBU;
- The resources or constraints to achieve such objectives.
Business Level:
-> DEF: takes general goals and budget from CL and translate them for each SBU;
- Focus on own business area;
- Create the competitive advantage.
-> OBJ: Create a Business Competitive Advantage
Operational/ Functional Level:
-> DEF: execution of strategy
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