
Strategy & Marketing

Dear reader,

In your next lecture you will find some basic information about strategy and marketing. The main themes are:

  1. Strategy & Marketing analysis;
  2. Strategy “Advanced” that include Strategic innovation;
  3. Marketing;
  4. Enterpreneurial Strategy & Startups.

This page aim to present the majour concepts, theories, methodologies and tools to support strategic, marketing decision making process and introduce methodologies to launch a new business.

Introduction to Strategy:

-> DEF: Long-term plan that identifies a scope and a direction for the company that aims to achieving and sustaining performance superior to the competitors.

The Value:

❓ How create value?

VALUE PROPOSITION: a selected bundle of products and/or services targeting a group of customers and satisfying well-defined needs.

-> There are three APPROACHES:

1.TECHNOLOGY-DRIVEN APPROACH: innovation driven by product design and manufacturing. In the end presented to customers.

-> Market don’t affect directly the value generation process;

-> Marketing is involved only in  the last steps of value generation;

-> Product presented to customers after it’s realization;

2.MARKET-DRIVEN APPROACH: find customers’ needs and target market characteristics:

-> Establishing connection between marketing and strategy;

3.CUSTOM TO-CREATING APPROACH: company identify a customers needings and is help from them to design the product.

-> Focus WHERE create Value:

  • BUSINESS AREA (BA): Homogeneus and defined set of competitors offering a similar value propositions to satisfy a homogeneous set of customers’ needs.
  • STRATEGIC BUSINESS UNIT (SBU): The part of company that operates in and serves a given business area.

Levels of Strategy:

-> Strategy is multidimensional and multilevel:

  1. Corporate Strategy level;
  2. Business Strategy level;
  3. Functional (Operational) Strategy level;


Corporate Level:

-> DEF: decision of the company strategy.

  • Company is seen from helicopter view.

-> GOAL: balance the overall portfolio in terms of:

  • Cash-Absorbing SBUs VS Cash-Generating SBUs;
  • Differet stages of SBUs lifecycle:









  • Create the correlation among different SBUs:

CORPORATE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE: competitive advantage that comes from the combination of different businesses of portfolio.

-> Major aspects:

  1. General strategic objective and guidelines to provide to each SBU;
  2. The resources or constraints to achieve such objectives.

Business Level:

-> DEF: takes general goals and budget from CL and translate them for each SBU;

  • Focus on own business area;
  • Create the competitive advantage.

-> OBJ: Create a Business Competitive Advantage

Operational/ Functional Level:

-> DEF: execution of strategy



03 November 2023
SEGMENTATION: splitting the market into different segments. TARGETING: cselection of the segments to...
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PEST model:
PEST model:
05 November 2023
-> Complementary analysis of the 5 forces; POLITICAL/LEGAL:– Regulation: automotive industry,...
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The Three levels of act in the Supply Chain
The Three levels of act in the Supply Chain
05 November 2023
Single Activities: Cost Drivern or Value Driven; Link Between Activities System of Activities...
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Business Strategy:
Business Strategy:
05 November 2023
-> AIM: creating a sustainable competitive advantage. -> HOW: Creating objectives and strategic...
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The Competitive Advantage:
The Competitive Advantage:
06 November 2023
TRADITIONAL APROACH: Porter’s generic strategies; Porter’s Strategies: COST LEADERSHIP:...
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Blue Ocean Strategy, BOS
Blue Ocean Strategy, BOS
06 November 2023
-> IDEA: market is like an ocean and all companies are fishes. The one that have similar size eat each...
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07 November 2023
1.INTRODUCTION TO MARKETING: -> There are different approaches to create value: MKT: Are...
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Corporate Strategy and Portfolio Analysis
Corporate Strategy and Portfolio Analysis
05 November 2023
-> OBJ: manage financial resources allocation to the portfolio of different Strategic Business Unit...
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Business Model Canvas
Business Model Canvas
31 October 2023
Business Model Design: -> DEFINITIONS of Business Model: “A business model is an architecture...
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Strategic Role of IT & Digital Strategy
Strategic Role of IT & Digital Strategy
24 November 2023
IT doesn’t matter Harvard Business Review (May 2003) -> Carr’s article -> IT (ICT) cannot...
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Marketing Segmentation
Marketing Segmentation
09 November 2023
1.Segmentation: -> DEF: process through which the company divides the market into various sub-groups...
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Marketing Mix:
Marketing Mix:
26 November 2023
1.Introduction to Marketing Mix: -> DEF MARKET MIX: marketing mix is a set of marketing levers; There...
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Enterpreneursal Strategy & Startups:
Enterpreneursal Strategy & Startups:
01 January 2024
It is impossible to operationalize a concept that cannot be defined … and “the concept is...
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21 January 2024
1.Basic Elements of Pricing: -> DEF PRICE: The amount of money charged for a product, or the sum...
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21 January 2024
1.The concept of distribution: -> DEF: set of systems which transfer information and products from...
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21 January 2024
1.Integrated Multichannel Communication -> DEF COMMUNICATION: Tools through which the company informs,...
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Business Plan:
Business Plan:
21 January 2024
1.Introductio, the five W: 1.What: -> DEF: document that describes in detail how a new business...
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Fundings Rounds for Startups
Fundings Rounds for Startups
21 January 2024
Startup Lifecycle & Foundings: -> Before fund raising we have to determine how much money our...
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21 January 2024
1.Brand: -> DEF: Brand is perceptual entity, rooted in reality (Holt, 2003) It’s a mark Different...
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Distruptive Innovation and Big-Bang Distruption:
Distruptive Innovation and Big-Bang Distruption:
21 November 2023
DISTRUPTION: happens when an established company, well respected and well positioned on the market (incumbent)...
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Business Strategy level > INTERNAL ANALYSIS:
Business Strategy level > INTERNAL ANALYSIS:
05 November 2023
-> REFERS TO: company values, goals, organizational structure, systems and activities, resources and...
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Business Strategy level > EXTERNAL ANALYSIS:
Business Strategy level > EXTERNAL ANALYSIS:
05 November 2023
-> DEF: Evaluation of the attractiveness of a business area and identification of the main threats...
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Multisided Platforms Strategies & Business Models:
Multisided Platforms Strategies & Business Models:
01 February 2024
Agenda: Definitions; Examples; Network effects; Subsidy-side & Money-side; Critical Issues; Ignition...
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Past Exams

TdE 12/02/2024
TdE 12/02/2024
12 February 2024
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TdE 25/01/2024
TdE 25/01/2024
25 January 2024
Correct Answers: Which of the following is not a benefit of a correlated portfolio? -> Enhanced use...
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TdE 07/09/2022
TdE 07/09/2022
25 January 2024
Time allowed: 30 minutes Strategy 1. Which is a typical characteristic of the development of digitally...
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TdE 02/08/2022
TdE 02/08/2022
24 January 2024
Time: 30 minutes 1.Customer Development: – is a different name for Lean Startup –...
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TdE 15/06/2022
TdE 15/06/2022
24 January 2024
Time allowed: 30 minutes Strategy 1. How do mainstream customers perceive a (technology-based)...
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TdE 07/02/2022
TdE 07/02/2022
24 January 2024
Time allowed: 30 minutes STRATEGY 1. How are digitally-based disruptive innovations adopted compared...
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TdE 23/01/2022
TdE 23/01/2022
23 January 2024
Time allowed: 30 minute STRATEGY 1. Why does a (technology-based) disruptive innovation address...
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TdE 17/01/2022
TdE 17/01/2022
22 January 2024
Time allowed: 30 minutes STRATEGY 1. What is the expected profitability of a (technology-based) disruptive...
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TdE 18/01/2021
TdE 18/01/2021
08 February 2023
1. The three key steps for assessing a cost leadership advantage are Identify the costs generating...
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TdE 02/08/2020
TdE 02/08/2020
08 March 2022
-> Time: 30 minutes 1.Customer Development: is a different name for Lean Startup ends when growth...
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TdE 18/01/2018
TdE 18/01/2018
08 February 2022
-> Time: 30 minutes 1. The three key steps for assessing a cost leadership advantage are Identify...
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Exam Simulation
Exam Simulation
11 February 2020
Questions 1.Which of the following alternatives represents the right logical order for strategy formulation...
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We provide flashcards and questions devided by professors

Nicolò 👑
Nicolò 👑
04 February 2024
-> Here some question of the oral exam of 01/2024 E commerce, what resources can be used? What...
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04 February 2024
-> Here some question of the oral exam of 01/2024 Which are the different layer of strategy? Can u...
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04 February 2024
-> Here some questions of Doc. Magnag of 01/2024 orals What are the difference of Three or four...
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02 February 2024
-> The professor usually uses case studies from “A Year in Quotes” of Franco Quillico of...
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27 January 2023
-> Here some collection of oral exams 02/2022 BCG matrix, apply it to real case. What do you mean...
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27 January 2023
2023/24 -> Here some questions of Doc. Cellin of 01/2024 orals the 4P and what are the other 3Ps,...
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27 January 2023
-> Here some question of the oral exam of 02/2022 Marketing: audience of GLOVO use quantification...
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27 January 2023
⚠️ All the “->” are the answers given by the students: they could be uncorrect! 2023/2024...
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*Potrebbero essere presenti errori, ogni segnalazione è gradita.

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