
Politecnico di Milano

Industrial & Competition Policy

Industrial Policy: -> DEF: Industrial policy is any policy that affects a subset of firms, firms’ activities and industries differentially from the remaining firstly defined. Any tax, subsidy, trade and other policy measure that affects only a limited and specific domain of a nation’s production system can be considered as an industrial policy intervention. “Industrial […]

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Concentration Indices

Concentration: -> DEF: way to measure the degree of concentration (of market power) within markets -> DEPENDS ON: size & number of the firms belonging to the focal industry. ->  IN A NUTSHELL: ❓Is concentration leading to market power or viceversa? -> Is BIDIRETIONAL,  More M.P. there is more can lead to increase concentration and

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Platform Economy -> OBJ: identify ways to create value. Product Platform: -> DEF: A set of components, along with and the linkages among them, common to different products. 📌 is not a product itself. Sony Case: -> In the ’80s, Sony deteined the 40% market share in volume and 50% in $. -> The innovation

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Technological Change & Innovation

-> DEF: improvement & generartion over time of new products & production techniques. INVENTION: (technological) materialization of an intuition which can be engendered by scientific knowledge. Might be exogenous and largely random in nature and can not be influenced by market signals. Can be a process of inspiration, perspiration, both of them, and also a

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Oligopolistic Markets

Strategic Interdipendence & Game Theory Basics: -> Market Structure is the more determinant thing that define the performance of a firm. -> Number of firms in an industry: -> Ex: airlines in US, Smartphones industry Tools: -> PROFIT MAXIMIZATOIN RULE: neoclassical profit maximizatoin logic. -> GAME THEORETICAL INSIGHTS: strategic interdependence. Game Theory: -> DEF: formal

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Design Driven Innovation

Innovative of Meaning & Value Creation: TECHNOLOGY PUSH MARKET PULL DESIGN DRIVEN -> PROSESS driven by scientific or technological competencies -> REVOLVE around physical attributes of the product -> INVOLVE way in which the product is commercialized in terms of organization, distribution and/or advertising: Product presentation Distribution channel innovations Incremental product performance innovation Sales process

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Open Agile Innovation

Agenda: The “Traditional” Innovation Funnel: The Stage-Gate model, Coper 1986 Managing Innovation: -> Historically, efforts in innovation management focused on internal organizational issues: -> These issues are all still important … The Crisis of Traditional Approaches to Innovation: -> Not always more R&D is better: increased R&D expenditure without the corresponding link to new products

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Smart Working:

The Smart Working Framework: -> Evolution of working model -> The digital revolution changed behaviors, aspirations & needs of people that ask for and offer increasing flexibility Smart working… … Should NOT be … Should be Working from home An welfare measure to protect workers in need or to deal with emergencies Manage people remotely

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