

Industrial & Competition Policy

Industrial Policy: -> DEF: Industrial policy is any policy that affects a subset of firms, firms’ activities and industries differentially from the remaining firstly defined. Any tax, subsidy, trade and other policy measure that affects only a limited and specific domain of a nation’s production system can be considered as an industrial policy intervention. “Industrial […]

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Concentration Indices

Concentration: -> DEF: way to measure the degree of concentration (of market power) within markets -> DEPENDS ON: size & number of the firms belonging to the focal industry. ->  IN A NUTSHELL: ❓Is concentration leading to market power or viceversa? -> Is BIDIRETIONAL,  More M.P. there is more can lead to increase concentration and

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Technological Change & Innovation

-> DEF: improvement & generartion over time of new products & production techniques. INVENTION: (technological) materialization of an intuition which can be engendered by scientific knowledge. Might be exogenous and largely random in nature and can not be influenced by market signals. Can be a process of inspiration, perspiration, both of them, and also a

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Oligopolistic Markets

Strategic Interdipendence & Game Theory Basics: -> Market Structure is the more determinant thing that define the performance of a firm. -> Number of firms in an industry: -> Ex: airlines in US, Smartphones industry Tools: -> PROFIT MAXIMIZATOIN RULE: neoclassical profit maximizatoin logic. -> GAME THEORETICAL INSIGHTS: strategic interdependence. Game Theory: -> DEF: formal

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Externalities Example

Edgeworth box example -> Given: -> If there is not an authority defining if in the house we can smoke the agents will fight. The Market Signal for Merging: -> Steel mill & Fishery: price takers. SCENARIO A: separate Steel mill: max π (S, x) = psS – Cs (S, x) Suppose  Cs (S, x)

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Market Failures

Externalities -> DEF: action made by an agent in order to maximize the object function, either utility or cost function, that has a reflection ot the cost or revenue functoin of another individual. -> DEF 2: or spillover, is a cost (benefit) imposed upon someone by actions take by others (with no compensation) -> TYPE:

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Insight Competitive Structures

-> Time: made of several period => Maximum profit levels: ; A.Perfect Competition: -> DEF: no market power for firms. -> PERFECT COMPETITIVE MARKET: market where firms are price-taker -> HP: + technology simmetry: the tecnologies are the same -> Firms are… …PRICE-TAKER: …DON’T VE EXTRA-PROFITS: -> In economics we consider the  opportunity costs in

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Efficiency, Coordination and Economic Organization

“Economic  organizations  are  created-entities  within  and  through  which  people  interact  to reach  their  goals” (Milgrom & Roberts) ECONOMY: highest-level organization as a whole MARKETS (and the way transaction are governed, managed and carried out): are lower-level economic organizations ECONOMIC SYSTEM: is the collection of different markets. FIRMS: are economic organization formed and interacting with individuals

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