


Platform Economy -> OBJ: identify ways to create value. Product Platform: -> DEF: A set of components, along with and the linkages among them, common to different products. 📌 is not a product itself. Sony Case: -> In the ’80s, Sony deteined the 40% market share in volume and 50% in $. -> The innovation […]

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Design Driven Innovation

Innovative of Meaning & Value Creation: TECHNOLOGY PUSH MARKET PULL DESIGN DRIVEN -> PROSESS driven by scientific or technological competencies -> REVOLVE around physical attributes of the product -> INVOLVE way in which the product is commercialized in terms of organization, distribution and/or advertising: Product presentation Distribution channel innovations Incremental product performance innovation Sales process

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Open Agile Innovation

Agenda: The “Traditional” Innovation Funnel: The Stage-Gate model, Coper 1986 Managing Innovation: -> Historically, efforts in innovation management focused on internal organizational issues: -> These issues are all still important … The Crisis of Traditional Approaches to Innovation: -> Not always more R&D is better: increased R&D expenditure without the corresponding link to new products

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Technology Push Innovation

-> DEF: Process driven by specific or technological competencies. TECHNOLOGY:  “… a set of practical and theoretical knowledge, Know-how, methods, procedures, success and failure experiences and, obviously, of physical assets and machineries…” (Dosi 1982) Dynamic: -> The typical dynamic of technology innovation is a S-Shape curve:   can improve. -> HP: Possible Uses: Examples: ->

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What is Innovation

What is Innovation? -> DEF: implementation of a new or significantly improved product (good or service), or process, a new marketing method, or a new organisational method in business practices, workplace organisation or external relations. -> CHAR: INVENTOR: who invented something INNOVATOR: Product System: -> PS = Product + Service + Communication Types of Innovation:

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