


1.Brand: -> DEF: Brand is perceptual entity, rooted in reality (Holt, 2003) -> AMA DEFINITION: “A brand is a brand name, a term, a symbol, a design or a combination of these, that aims at identifying the products or services of a company, or of a group of companies and at differentiating them from those […]

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Fundings Rounds for Startups

Startup Lifecycle & Foundings: -> Before fund raising we have to determine how much money our start-up values and when rise them. In order to feed correctly our new enterprise we have to define in which stages and from whom we can rise fundings. -> INDEXES: -> Average montly cash flow (if < 0) ->

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Business Plan:

1.Introductio, the five W: 1.What: -> DEF: document that describes in detail how a new business is going to achieve its goals. -> OBJ: 2.When: -> Business plan is not just to plan new activities, but to control the ongoing business: CUSTOMER ACQUISITION COST: how much to the company cost bring the customer in the

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1.Integrated Multichannel Communication -> DEF COMMUNICATION: Tools through which the company informs, persuades, and reminds consumers – directly or indirectly – of its product and brands. Phases of Communication Process: Targets: -> Different targets required different type of communication: 1.Institutional (corporate) communication: -> Managers have to build & manage company image towards:  ✦ Public ✦

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1.The concept of distribution: -> DEF: set of systems which transfer information and products from a producer to a customer and vice- versa in order to conclude a commercial transaction. TRADITIONAL VIEW: The distribution is the structure that makes the product (or service) physically available for the customer. -> FUNCTIONS: -> CHAR: Basic Channels of

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1.Basic Elements of Pricing: -> DEF PRICE: The amount of money charged for a product, or the sum of the values that consumers exchange for the benefits of having/using the product or service. -> Why is IMPORTANT: -> Price & Marketing Mix: A. Price as a tool of Competition B. Pricing is a process! Common

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Enterpreneursal Strategy & Startups:

It is impossible to operationalize a concept that cannot be defined … and “the concept is synonymous with the corresponding set of operations” (Bridgman, 1927; Dewey, 1929) … so … ❓What is enterpreneurship? “The discovery and exploitation of profitable (business) opportunities” (Shane and Venkataraman, 2000 – AMR) “An Entrepreneurial Event involves the creation of a

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Management Reporting

Introduction: -> Is the CONTROL part of the Plan & Control Cycle: GOALS: -> CEO & Shareholders. -> Indicators: -> The hp that we can deploy a long-term strategy is not applicable: it’s difficult to foresight what will happen in 10 years. (we assume we can still do that). PLAN of ACTIONS (Budgeting): -> DEF:

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Factory Physics

Design & Improvement of Manufacturing Systems through the use of Factory Physics: 1.Introduction: -> DEF: FACTORY PHYSICS is a systematic description of the underlying behavour manufacturing systems. It… Source: Wallace, J.H., Spearman, L.M.. “Factory physics: physics: foundations of manufacturing management”. Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2001. -> OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT (OM): is the tradisional field in which operations are

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