

Factory Layout Planning:

-> DEF: definition of the physical oragnization of the factory: -> OBJ: create a CAD draqing of the factory layout. ❓Which are the element to be considered? -> Comparing the lead time we can understand if a company is better than another, bacause is a matter of cost. -> A good layout is a matter […]

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Value Drivers & Scorecard

-> DEF: indicators which provide managers with earlier signals (drivers) of value creation: Introduction: -> Untill now we analysed: -> PROBLEMS: => We need another type of indicators: the VALUE DRIVERS. The “Value” Tree: -> DEF: tools to understand how increase the equity or enterprise value. -> CHAR: EBITDA = REVENUES – CASH COST CASH

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Budgeting & Target Settings

-> Last part of the course: PLAN & CONTROL. TARGETING: means set the goals (that we can connect with the balanced scorecards) and it’s linked with the concept of budgeting. Timing: till now the analysis was about the past with the ratio analysis. To compute the Enterprise value and the Equity value we need the

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Relative Valuation

-> DEF: The value of an asset is compared to the values assessed by the market for similar or comparable assets. -> CHAR: -> IS PERVASIVE: “A little inaccuracy sometimes saves tons of explanation” H.H. Munro “If you are going to screw up, make sure that you have lots of company” Ex-portfolio manager. -> There

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Corporate-Finance Analysis

VALUE BASED INDICATORS: -> DEF: indicators that look to the future and try to predict the result of the company. -> Today is a FINANCIAL Prospective; Cash Generation Cycle: -> Consider the most relevant Cash Flows (not exhaustive): ENTERPRISE: subject of the discussion; SHAREHOLDERS: are the one that give the Equity to the enterprise. DEBTHOLDERS:

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Marketing Mix:

1.Introduction to Marketing Mix: -> DEF MARKET MIX: marketing mix is a set of marketing levers; -> Remembering the market scheme, from Mission, Vision and Purpose we build a strategic market, that is… Operational Marketing: -> DEF: Is the translation of the marketing strategy into decisions. -> Decisions about: Market demand > Endogenous variables (marketing

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Index: The ASSEMBLY SYSTEMs: -> DEF: system which join together components in order to obtain finished products; MANUAL ASSEMBLY SYSTEM: system composed by a several stations in which one or more workers executes assembly activities. Type of Assembly System: -> FIXED POSITION ASSEMBLY: product don’t move while beingh assembled, required components are brought to the


Cost of Capital

CAPITAL:  everything that a company has in terms of resources (the value of the company). BOOK VALUE of the COMPANY: calue of the assets of the company. Rappresentation of the company: ASSET PERSPECTIVE EQUITY & LIABILITIES PERSPECTIVE: INVESTED CAPITAL: capital invested in the resources for the production or to provide services = equity + financial

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