

Manufacturing Cells

Some definitions: CEL: a group of machines that are not technologically homogeneous, but fully capable of working families of similar parts. MANUFACTURING CELL: group of functionally dissimilar machines that are placed together and dedicated to the manufacture of a specific range of parts / products.  FAMILY: group of similar parts from the morpho-technological point of

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Basic Excercise

A small manufacturing company is currently designing a new production system, organized in job shops. It is installing 3 different departments (M1, M2, M3), which will serve to produce at least 3 types of product (A, B, C). We have the following information: Product Production process (Department, Cycle Time [min / pcs]) Average annual demand

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-> DEF: working stations are organized in groups of similar stations in terms of implemented technology (it gives the name to the department). -> CHAR: Outline: General Features -> CHAR: -> When a product is introduced in the product portfolio => Production process has to be developed. -> The technological office is in charge of

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SEGMENTATION: splitting the market into different segments. TARGETING: cselection of the segments to be approached. POSITIONING: built the offer. Index: Positioning: The act of “drawing” the firm’s offer and image in a way to be set in a precise position in the target consumers’ mind Kotler 2000 EXAMPLE: PoliMi > Positioning: Is first in architecture



Course Structure: Introduction: Industry/ Industrial: from latin “Industria/e” which means “activity”, “laborious news” -> DEF: Economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and manufacture of goods in factories. INDUSTRY: work and processes involved in collecting raw materials, and making them into products in factories. TECHNOLOGY: the application of knowledge for achieving practical goals

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Business Model Canvas

Business Model Design: -> DEFINITIONS of Business Model: “A business model is an architecture for the product, service and information flows, including a description of the various business actors and their roles, a description of the potential benefits for the various business actors, and a description of the sources of revenues” (Timmers, 1998) “A business

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