

Strategy & Marketing

TdE 07/02/2022

Time allowed: 30 minutes STRATEGY 1. How are digitally-based disruptive innovations adopted compared to traditional innovations? a) Their adoption is much quicker than traditional ones b) Their adoption is quicker than traditional innovations, but slower than other disruptive innovations c) Their adoption is much quicker than traditional ones, as long as trial users are the […]

TdE 07/02/2022 Leggi tutto »

TdE 23/01/2022

Time allowed: 30 minute STRATEGY 1. Why does a (technology-based) disruptive innovation address the lower-end segment of the market? a) Because it allows to beat competitors operating in the low-end segment of the market b) Because it reduces the incumbents’ ability to react to the company’s entry in the market c) Because it allows the

TdE 23/01/2022 Leggi tutto »

TdE 17/01/2022

Time allowed: 30 minutes STRATEGY 1. What is the expected profitability of a (technology-based) disruptive innovation in the short term? a) More profitable than a mainstream/sustaining innovation b) Less profitable than a mainstream/sustaining innovation c) As profitable as a mainstream sustaining innovation 2. Why do successful companies often fail or strongly downsize after their period

TdE 17/01/2022 Leggi tutto »


1.Brand: -> DEF: Brand is perceptual entity, rooted in reality (Holt, 2003) -> AMA DEFINITION: “A brand is a brand name, a term, a symbol, a design or a combination of these, that aims at identifying the products or services of a company, or of a group of companies and at differentiating them from those

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Fundings Rounds for Startups

Startup Lifecycle & Foundings: -> Before fund raising we have to determine how much money our start-up values and when rise them. In order to feed correctly our new enterprise we have to define in which stages and from whom we can rise fundings. -> INDEXES: -> Average montly cash flow (if < 0) ->

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Business Plan:

1.Introductio, the five W: 1.What: -> DEF: document that describes in detail how a new business is going to achieve its goals. -> OBJ: 2.When: -> Business plan is not just to plan new activities, but to control the ongoing business: CUSTOMER ACQUISITION COST: how much to the company cost bring the customer in the

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1.Integrated Multichannel Communication -> DEF COMMUNICATION: Tools through which the company informs, persuades, and reminds consumers – directly or indirectly – of its product and brands. Phases of Communication Process: Targets: -> Different targets required different type of communication: 1.Institutional (corporate) communication: -> Managers have to build & manage company image towards:  ✦ Public ✦

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1.The concept of distribution: -> DEF: set of systems which transfer information and products from a producer to a customer and vice- versa in order to conclude a commercial transaction. TRADITIONAL VIEW: The distribution is the structure that makes the product (or service) physically available for the customer. -> FUNCTIONS: -> CHAR: Basic Channels of

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1.Basic Elements of Pricing: -> DEF PRICE: The amount of money charged for a product, or the sum of the values that consumers exchange for the benefits of having/using the product or service. -> Why is IMPORTANT: -> Price & Marketing Mix: A. Price as a tool of Competition B. Pricing is a process! Common

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Enterpreneursal Strategy & Startups:

It is impossible to operationalize a concept that cannot be defined … and “the concept is synonymous with the corresponding set of operations” (Bridgman, 1927; Dewey, 1929) … so … ❓What is enterpreneurship? “The discovery and exploitation of profitable (business) opportunities” (Shane and Venkataraman, 2000 – AMR) “An Entrepreneurial Event involves the creation of a

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