

Sammontana, Gelato Italiano

Sammontana è una storia completamente italiana. Dopo la guerra, il conte Seduceschi si accorse che i bambini di Sammontana, piccolo paese vicino a Empoli, soffrivano perché non avevano il latte. Così fece arrivare delle vacche da latte per sfamarli. Accortosi che le mucche erano troppe rispetto al bisogno dei bambini, il conte decise di sfruttarne […]

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Analysis of the Leverage

-> DEF LEVERAGE = D/E (Corporate Strategy => D = only financial liabilities). -> DEF: Ratio between the liabilities and the equity: -> Company increase the debt by borrowing money to sustain the investment strategy to grow, buy equipement, invest R&D … -> ⚠It is NOT reducing the equity or increasing dividends. -> OBJ: understand

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Manufacturing Cells

Some definitions: CEL: a group of machines that are not technologically homogeneous, but fully capable of working families of similar parts. MANUFACTURING CELL: group of functionally dissimilar machines that are placed together and dedicated to the manufacture of a specific range of parts / products.  FAMILY: group of similar parts from the morpho-technological point of

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Merge and Acquisition:

Corporate Strategy: Organizc vs Inorganic Growth -> Chanes in product scope  or geographical scope can be made by: Types: Advantages of Acquisitions: -> Once company has decided to change corporate scope => Acquisitions have three advanteges: Approaching the Deal: -> Corporate acquisition transactions, either as buyer or seller, in each case they face a number

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M&A Examples:

-> Faced with the need to muscle out competitors, companies are increasingly pursuing inorganic growth as a strategy for capturing new markets, adding new business lines, and scaling up quickly. -> The corporate world has experienced spikes of mergers and acquisitions activity in the past, but nothing compares to the volume of megadeals in the

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Corporate Strategy and Portfolio Analysis

Index: CORPORATE STRATEGY: -> OBJ: manage financial resources allocation to the portfolio of different Strategic Business Unit the overall company is made of. -> Key Issue: Diversification Strategy: -> DEF: Choice of “hierarchy” that is internalizing a new business within the corporate portfolio. -> Diversification is more favorable than other alternatives (e.g. brand franchising) when:

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The Competitive Advantage:

Agenda: TRADITIONAL APROACH: Porter’s generic strategies; Porter’s Strategies: -> Economies of Scale/Learning; -> New sources of commodities.  COMMODITY: product that can not be differentiate (ex sugar); COST Leadership: -> DEF: gain CA by being the lowest-cost producer of a service, production process or commodity. Sources of Cost Advantage: Cost Leadership Strategies: -> Can frighten off

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CONTENUTO: COMBUSTIBILI, COMBUSTIONE, POTERE CALORIFICO, CLASSIFICA DEI COMBUSTIBILI. Approfondimento: ANALISI IMMEDIATA L’analisi immediata dei combustibili solidi è una procedura per determinare le caratteristiche chimiche e fisiche di un campione di combustibile solido. Queste caratteristiche possono includere il contenuto di ceneri, la umidità, il contenuto di carbonio, il contenuto di zolfo e il potere calorifico superiore.

GII?-21/10/22 Leggi tutto »

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