

-> Here some questions of Doc. Magnag of 01/2024 orals

  1. What are the difference of
  2. Three or four characteristics of a strategic decision. What are the strategic objectives?
  3. What are the characteristics of objectives?

  1. What is the meaning of value proposition? Can describe what is the value proposition of evoca (the pw that u did)?
  2. In the case of Evoca, if u have different customer segments, compared to the different customer segment, if we have multiple, how many value proposition do we have in the BMC? Since the Value prop is smth the customer want to give to the customer, since there are different customer segment, is it possible that the company has different value proposition referred to this customer segment?
  3. Key resources, key activities and key partners are referred to what? Value delivery, value creation or value network?

  1. Can u give me another view the strategic decision on how is made the strategic decision process and then go deeper on these steps.
  2. What are the tools used for implement the strategic decision?
  3. What is the BMC and what reppresent?
  4. Make an example of a company concerning the value proposition of this company, maybe a famous one. Taking facebook as example, where u have different customers segments, can u tell me an example of other customer segment and not just the users? Filling the BMC on the advertisers, where do u put them? In which part? And in the value proposition what u can put? -> Different VP for different segments.
  5. What would u put as revenues streams?
  6. What are the channel of facebook? Based on ur knowledge make me an example of resources tangible and intangible leading facebook or letting FB a competitive advantage.
  7. If u compare Fb to other social networks they lose some CA, shat could be something that facebook lost compared to another social network as  instagram?

  1. What is strategy? How do we develop strategic decisions and how we can implement them?
  2. If u are a startup and u want to run an internal analysis, what are the tool u would use? -> Resources and Competences-Based View
  3. In a case u are new and u have to run the RCBV, what are u expected to see in your RCBV?
  4. What are the resources that u would see??? Give me a definition of BOS and bring an example concerning the different attribut that company would use to define one.
  5. What is the value proposition of instagram?

  1. What are the differences between the internal and external analysis and can u give me some examples? What is the difference between the internal and external analysis? Tell me about the structural determinant.  Thinking about cost strategy, how can be matched in the five force porter’s model?
  2. Make and example of intagible resources that make a competitive advantage.

  1. Tell me the difference between strategic decision and tactical decision.
  2. Tell me the differences about BOS and BBD. What about technology?
  3. Cost and differentiation leadership regarding both BOS and BBD.

  1. What is the value proposition? How do we implement it in the BMC?

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