-> DEF: process through which the company divides the market into various sub-groups – with different demand profiles but internally homogenous – on the basis of which management developes specific marketing plans to best satisfy their requirements.
-> OBJ: give insights to markets in order to define the best possible marketing program for every specific group of customers.
-> Market is very big => We segment it!
-> It’s a trade-off between two extremes:
- The objectives of segmentation;
- The approaches and the process of segmentation;
- The methods of segmentation;
A.Objectives of Segmentation:
- Segmentation and their characteristics;
- Advantages and disadvantages of segmenting;
Segmentation and their characteristics:
-> Segmentation make markets more manageable as:
- Markets are too broad (ampi);
- What is the food that you eat most often?
- What is your favorite activity for leisure?
- What is the product that you are most willing to spend more money for?
- Too much diversity in the market:
- desires/preferences
- available resources
- geographic locations
- attitudes and buying habits
- Internal Similarity / External Diversity:
- Measurability: it must be possible to measure the size and buying power of the segments;
- Accessibility: real possibility of obtaining the segment using marketing actions;
- Homogeneity: within the segment as regards one or more characteristics (describers); heterogeneity compared with other segments;
- Importance: a segment large enough to justify a targeted marketing action;
- Duration: possibility of exploiting the segment for a particular period of time;
✔ Advantage …
- Reduction in diversity
- More focus of resources & professionals
- Possible creation of entry barriers
- Improvement in customer satisfaction
- Market share defense during maturity
- Higher control on marketing actions
- Risk hedging
…& ❌ Disadvantages of Segmentation:
- Different products for different segments (R&D, engineering)
- Incrgeased production costs
- Increased stocks
- Fragmentation of advertising/promotion costs
- Increased market research costs
- Higher distribution costs
- Inefficient resource exploitation (e.g. duplication)
-> That’s why company try to:
B.Approaches and Process of Segmentation:
-> Steps of the segmentation process:
- Choice of the Segmentation approach: by product or by customer?
- Choice of the segmentation method: mathematical or heuristics?
- Analyzig the segments obtained:
- Segment validation;
- Segment Description;
- Product/market matrix..
📌Ryanair, Easyjet, Trenitalia are using segmentation
-> The approaches:
- By CUSTOMER (B2B v B2C);
B.1) Segmentation by Product:
-> Was meaningful in the past: the main problem of companies was product or production in market with a low level of competition.
Semplicity Immediacy Clarity and comprehensibility | Does not consider the variables related to the customer’s characteristics; Little visibility of the competition amongst products; Simplistic. |
B.2) Segmentation by CUSTOMER:
-> MARKETERS: must know customers and get insights about their needs and desires.
-> THREE MAIN DIMENSION: segmentation by customer…
- …NEED;
-> Theser approach slightly different in we’re daling with:
- B2C: Customer customer;
- B2B: Industrial customer;
B2C markets
Knowing customer characteristics, behaviors, and needs is fundamental to design the marketing plan. Marketers collect information and then use them with specific objectives.
-> How use them:
- Estimate the size of a segment
- Assist in product design and pricing decisions
- Provide implication for the content and channel of marketing communication
- Aware of ethically, politically, or religiously sensitive issues
Values, Attitude and Lifestyle framework.
-> DEF: is a psychographic segmentation tool used in marketing to categorize people based on their psycological traits, value and behavour.
-> OBJ: Identify different consumer segments to help businesses tailor their marketing strategy more effectively.
Overview of the working generaton:
B2C > Customer BEHAVIOUR:
-> How use them:
- Sustain and even expand the usage of current users;
- Convince non-users with the product/brand benefits over the competing product/brand
- High usage intensity indicate customers loyal to the brand, who purchase in multiple occasions and multiple POS (Point of Sales/ Serivices).
- If customers are loyal to POS instead, being present in the right channel has higher priority
- Purchase process: regular or impulsive, etc.
- Roles in purchase process
-> Marketers have to move customers along the marketing funnel: follow clients along the market channels and check abandonment rate at any stage in order to redesign the process.
B2C > Customer NEEDs:
-> How use them (benefit sought):
- Design the product addressing the needs
- Design the marketing communication addressing the motivation which customers are more likely to respond to
Ryanair example:
B2B markets
Segmentation by CUSTOMER > COMMENTS:
- Insightful and actionable approach does not mean to choose the best one but rather combining them in sensible way;
- We need to understand who are the segment (demographic/ geographic characteristics), what they do (behavior) and why are they doing that (needs)
- Differen dimension provide rich understanding of a segment.
C.Method of Segmentation:
-> Companies should define and qualify every segment:
-> We have two methods:
- Mathematical:
- Using statistical–mathematical techniques and algorithms.
- Require data (a representative sample) on which to make an analysis.
- Heuristic: Empirical (generally qualitative) methods based on the experience of the marketer.
Statistical-Mathematical Methods:
-> Digitalizatoin of business have strongly improved these activities (reducing their cost).
- Survey resgerasch: information gethering about possible segmentation variables:
- Focus group;
- Questionanaires;
- Data Analysis:
- Elimination of correlated variables;
- Definition of clusters;
- Segment Profiling:
- Description of the segments obtained;
- Listing of the key characteristics;
Heuristic Segmentation Methods:
- Successive Elimination approac (Porter 1987);
- Two-phase approach (Wind and Cardozo 1974);
- Multi-Phase approach, “Nested approach” (Bonoma and Shapiro 1982);
1.Successive Elimination Approach:
- Check-list of possible segmentation variables.
- Variables identified as relevant are compared in pairs using a matrix.
- Unimportant “crossovers” and contradictions are eliminated.
- Variables are gradually combined to reduce the number of combinations.
- Products are entered according also to the different use functions.
- The final product-market (segments) matrix is built
2.Two Phase approac:
-> Hierarchical selection bases:
- MACRO SEGMENTATION: external characteristics and purchase situations;
- MICRO SEGMENTATION: characteristics of the individuals:
3.Multi Phase approach:
-> There are 5 steps.
-> The more we move towards the center, the harder is to find information.
-> DEF TARGET MARKET: group of customers within a business’s serviceable available market at which a business aims its marketing efforts and resources:
- Is a subset of the total market for a product or service;
-> In process of segmentation target is/are the segment(s) that the company decide to “focus”.
-> Five possible approaches in targeting strategies:
Choice target segments
3.Buyer’s Persona and Buyer’s Journey:
Buyer Persona:
-> DEF BUYER PERSONA: representation of your target customer.
- Pictures painted in based on research and interviews with actual customers.
- Include intanbigle elements that make a person tick.
PERSONA DEVELOPMENT: paramount for the success of an inbound marketing program (no metter the size or scope of the business)
Buyer’s Journey:
-> DEF: sequence of interactions between an individual and a brand occurring throughout a series of touchpoints, encountered along the Customer Journey.
- These interactions generate cognitive, emotional, behavioral and sensorial impacts and reactions.
-> Generic customer journey can be divided into 3 stages:
-> The CJ maps has different levels of experience:
- Activities that the user has to accomplish at every stage;
- What does she think and how she feels at every stage;
- What are the touchpoints involved in each phase;
Service Blueprint:
-> DEF: tools to connects customers’ journey and companies’ processes.
- Represent visually the set activities to be accomplished to meet customer expectations at every single touchpoint.
- Identifies which are the processes with a direct inpact on customer experience and which are the supporting ones.