
Smart Working:

The Smart Working Framework:

-> Evolution of working model

-> The digital revolution changed behaviors, aspirations & needs of people that ask for and offer increasing flexibility

Smart working…

… Should NOT be… Should be
Working from home An welfare measure to protect workers in need or to deal with emergencies Manage people remotely through technologiesNew organisational model based on high flexibility & autonomy in the choice of working spaces, time & tools in return for more accountability on results.

The Smart Working Framework:

Old vs New Principles for Organizing Working Activities:

Organisational Policies:

  • Work time flexibility
  • Work space flexibiliy
  • Tool choice flexibility

Digital Technologies:

  • Collaboration
  • Blog
  • Cloud
  • Social network
  • Web TV
  • Community
  • IT consumerization

Physical Layout:

  • COLLABORATION: group discussion, presentations, Audio/video conf, Brainstorming
  • COMMUNICATION: face-to-face & virtual communication, acoustic isolation
  • CONCENTRATION: individual worrk, Closed & Calm place
  • CONTEMPLATION: relaxing & cozy, Energetic, Inspiring, Creative

Behaviours & Leadership Styles:

  • Sense of community
  • Empowerment
  • Flexibility
  • Virtuality

Agile Work:

-> DEF: Modality of execution of the employment relationship established by agreement between the parties, also with forms of organization by phases, cycles and objectives and without precise contraints of time or place of work, with the possibility of using technological tools for carrying out work activities.

📌Law n°81/2017

-> OBJ: increase competitiveness & facilitate work-life balance

-> TIME & PLACES: it is carried out partly inside company premises & partly outside without a fixed workstation, within the only limits of maximum daily & weekely working hours deriving from laws and from collective negotiations.


  • Stipulated in writing […] may be for fixed term or for indefinite period […] regulates the performance of work outside company premises, also regarding forms of exercise of the employer’s management power and the tools used by workers
  • It identifies resting times of workers as well as technical and organizational measures needed to ensure disconnection of workers from technological instruments of work
  • It is subjected to compulsory INAIL communications
  • Withdrawal: with a notice period of no less than thirty days
  • Identifies conduct linked to the performance of work outside company premises, which gives rise to the application of

disciplinary sanctions

The benefits:

Hidden Side of Smart Working:

False Myths:

  • People take advantage of it
  • SW produces isolation
  • SW is only for those who cannot work at home
  • I won’t find a desk when I’ll go to the office

Actual Issues:

  • Maturity & discipline are necessary
  • Work intensification issues
  • Technology often is a false commodity
  • Important planning & Coordinating efforts

Smart Working Leadership Journey:

Sense of Community:

-> DEF: sense of belonging & trust among people

  • Shared cultural values, vision & goals
  • Adoption of collaborative behaviours
  • Collaborative working across internal & external networks


-> DEF: Accountability on individual and company goals

  • Collaborative definition of goals
  • Results based management.


-> DEF: Flexible organization of activities

  • Adaptive balancing of work & personal needs


-> DEF: right mix of digital technology & physical interaction that is cconsistent with objectives & types of activities

 Smart Working > Success Factors:

The Effects of Covid on the Ways of Working

-> Remote workers in Itay before & after the pandemic:

Smart working initiatives in organizations:

The Importance of the Experience Gained:

📌How much do u think the experience of managing your work activities gained during this emergency will be valuable once you are back to normal?

Smart Working:

-> DEF: New Organizational Model characterized by higher flexibility and autonomy in the choice of working spaces, time and tools in return for more accountability on results

SW > Three Levels of Challenge

Challenges for People:

Challenge for Companies:

Extending & Rebalancing ways of Working:

-> Quotes from international business leaders:

-> Workers’ main erasons for workplace preferences

Rethinging Work Spaces:

-> Now we should ask ourselves: are current spaces adequate to support the new working models?

Rethinking the Leader’s Role:

Rethinking Work Spaces:

Possible Workspace Models:

-> Defining New Rules & Working Practices:

Challenges for Society:

The effects of Remote Working on Urbanization:

Historically, big cities attract most workers and firms due to economies of agglomeration

During lockdowns, people found themselves in unfavourable conditions for remote working:

Ñ Living 24/7 in small home spaces

Ñ Paying high housing (rent, utilities, maintenance)

Ñ Paying high living costs (e.g. food and utility prices).

A notable share of urban residents moved temporarily outside cities: e.g. during lockdowns, Tokyo experienced the first net outmigration since 2013

As expectations rise for Hybrid Working, the future of the office and the future of cities are no longer separate questions

Future Scenarios:

-> Implication of Hybrid Working on people settlement

->  Smart Working as a crossroads of digital, ecological and demographic transitions

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