
TdE 02/08/2020

-> Time: 30 minutes

1.Customer Development:

  1. is a different name for Lean Startup
  2. ends when growth hacking starts
  3. is included in the conceptual term Lean Startup Approaches
  4. and Agile Development are mutually exclusive

2.What are the 3 main numbers that an entrepreneur has to forecast in a business plan?

  1. Sales, Number of Employees, Amount of Debt
  2. Sales, Operating Costs, Investments
  3. Sales, Operating Costs, Cost of Debt
  4. Sales, Number of Employees, Investments

3.Complementors are recognized as an additional factor in Porter’s 5 forces model, defined as:

  1. Non-competing companies which have an impact on the bargaining power of the company’s buyers and/or suppliers
  2. Non-competing companies which have an impact on the level of market demand
  3. Competing or non-competing companies which have an impact on the level of internal rivalry in the industry

4.Which is the typical advantage of platform-based businesses compared to traditional businesses:

  1. A stronger focus on few differentiation advantages
  2. An easier access to complementary assets
  3. Lower costs thanks to the reduction of fixed costs

5.The Business Model Canvas is:

  1. A powerful tool for visualizing existing or potential business models of a company
  2. A decision support system for selecting alternative business models
  3. A model for valuing the potential profit coming from a new business idea

6.Brand image is:

  1. What is perceived from a brand by customers
  2. The company’s promise to its customers
  3. How the company wants to be perceived
  4. Which values the company wants to represent

7.In the choice of target segments, which variables a company needs to consider?

  1. Possible creation of entry barriers and duration of the segment
  2. Attractiveness of the segments and compatibility of the segments with the company strategy and resources
  3. Attractiveness of the segments and duration of the segment
  4. Possible creation of entry barriers and compatibility of the segments with the company strategy and resources.

8.How do disruptive innovations usually perform relative to existing products/services in the market?

  1. Less performing than existing solutions
  2. More performing than existing solutions
  3. They have the same performance

9.Which is a typical characteristic of the development of digitally based disruptions?

  1. Companies clearly focus on cost and differentiation advantages
  2. Companies requires complementary assets for their innovation
  3. Companies can adopt a trial-and-error approach with low investments

10.In a cross-border M&A:

  1. The risk of integration difficulties is greater than in a within-border M&A
  2. The risk of having a larger debt is greater than in a within-border M&A
  3. The risk of having a too much diversification is greater than in a within-border M&A

11.Which of the following actions is NOT necessary to achieve a differentiation advantage?

  1. To understand where and how customers buy the company’s products
  2. To map the product attributes and the perceived value by the customers
  3. To change or delete those resources that create greater value for customers but entail greater costs

12.Which of the following is a cost-based pricing?

  1. Perceived value pricing
  2. Going-rate pricing
  3. Target return pricing
  4. Dynamic pricing

13.Which of the following is NOT an objective of positioning:

  1. Understand the relative importance of customers purchase criteria
  2. Evaluate consumers’ perceptions toward competitors’ offering
  3. Find free spaces where to place the company offer
  4. Show the superiority of the company offer

14.Cash Burn Rate:

  1.  Describes the annual financial needs of startups
  2. Describes the monthly financial needs of startups
  3. Corresponds to the number of months covered by existing funds to sustain startup activities
  4. None of the options above is correct

15.Which of the following statements concerning corporate and business strategy is CORRECT:

  1. The definition of a corporate strategy can only be made once the business strategy is set
  2. The definition of a business strategy can only be made once the corporate strategy is set
  3. Business strategy and corporate strategy are two distinct and independent aspects of strategy making

16.What does ambidexterity refer to?

  1. The separation of emerging businesses from the existing ones in the organization
  2. Creation of an R&D unit dedicated to develop technologies and solutions for new businesses
  3. Dedicate a new plant to the production of new products

17.A source of cost advantage for a certain company can be:

  • The preferential access to raw materials
  • The presence of a patent for the production process
  • Both of the above

18.In Porter’s 5 forces framework, the buyers’ bargaining power depends on:

  • The number and relative size of the most important buyers
  • The buyers’ importance in defining key features of the final product/service
  • Both of the above

19.What is not a key principle for the Lean Startup Approaches?

  • Making experiments
  • Cutting waste
  • Being cheap
  • Listening the voice of the customer

20.Which of the following statements regarding corporate goals is CORRECT:

  • Shareholder wealth maximization should always be the main and only goal of a company
  • Shareholder wealth maximization sometimes entails negative consequences for other stakeholders
  • Stakeholders’ interests should always take precedence over profit maximization


  1. C
  2. B
  3. B
  4. D
  5. A
  6. A
  7. B
  8. A
  9. A
  10. C
  11. C
  12. D
  13. B
  14. B
  15. A
  16. C
  17. C
  18. C
  19. B

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