
Work Engagement

1.Conceptual Evolution of Work Engagement:

Three Dimension of Work Engagement:

  • VIGOUR: high levels of energy, willingness to invest effort in one’s work & perseverance in the face of difficulties.
  • DEDICATION: implies enthusisasm, inspiration, awareness, pride & feeling of challenge.
  • ABSORPTION: quality of being fully concentrated & focused on the job, time passed quikly & people may find it hard to detach themselves from their work.


  • BURNOUT: exhaustion, cynism & inefficacy.
  • WORKAHOLISM: inner compulsion, think about job continually (even when they are not working), have less opportunity to recover from their work.
    • High levels of energy (vigour +)
    • Presence of enthusiasm, inspiration, passion (dedication +)
    • Full immersed in his job (Absorption +)
  • STATE WORK ENGAGEMENT DEFINITION: transiest, positive, fulfilling & work-related  state of mind that fluctuate within individuals over a short period of time.

-> CHAR: vigour, dedication & absoprption.

  • MOMENTARY WORK ENGAGEMENT: people are constantly bringing in & leaving out various depths of their selves during the “course of their workdays. They do so to respond to the momentary ebbs and flows of those days”.

2.Drivers of Work Engagement:



-> There are somoe factos  that can affect the rork engagement, creating some outcomes that will affect the process to achieve work goals:

Dimension of Wellbeing:

-> The notion of happiness at work is becoming increasingly important for HRM research:

📌”High pleasure & high activation”, Xanthopoulou

Theoretical Frameworks:

J-DR Model:

  • JOB RESOURCES: physical, psychological, social and organizational aspects of work that can:

1. bring to the achievement of personal objectives;

2. reduce JDs and the associated physical and psychological costs;

3. stimulate personal development and growth.

  • JOB DEMANDS: physical, social and organizational aspects of work that require physical and mental effort and which are, therefore, associated with physical and psychological costs (Bakker et al., 2001).

SDT, Self Determinant Theory:

-> DEF: explains how people’s behaviours vary according to how self-motivated they are. In line with SDT, three basic human needs are essential to sustain and encourage motivation: the need for autonomy, the need for competence and the need for relatedness.

  • AUTONOMY: need to be perceived as  the oriin or source of ne’s own behaviour
  • COMPETENCE: feeling of being effective
  • RELATEDNESS: feeling closeness and friendship with others.

SET, Social Exchange Theory:

-> DEF: explains how reciprocity is one of the most important aspects able to define the relationship between employers & employees.

  • When one person treats properly another one, he may expect favorable treatment in return => leads to positive outcome
  • When employees perceive that their organization & supervisor take care aboout their feeling & concern, they return with higher levels of engagement.

3.Relationship btw Work Engagement, Leadership & Innovation:

-> Different leadership styles influence positively the work engagement

Engaging Leadership:

Work Engagement & Innovation:

-> Innovative Firms develops or adopts products, services, programs or innovative ideas that need a series of stages to be source of competitive advantage.

-> INNOVATIVE WORK BEHAVIOUR: all employee behaviour directed at the generation, introduction and/or application (within a role, group or organization) of ideas, processes, products or procedures, new to the relevant unit of adoption that supposedly significantly benefit the relevant unit of adoption.

  1. Idea Generation: phase where employees identify problems & generate innovative solutions to address the problems.
  2. Implementation phase: employee proposes, defends & actually implements the innovation in the workplace.

📌Different sutdies demonstrated the positive influence of work engagement on innovative work behaviour (use the work engagement as a fuel for innovative behavior).

4.How Measure Work Engagement:

  1. Methods to Collect/Generate Quantitative Data: survey, diary methods, trace measures (physical measures)
  2. Methods to Analyse Quantitative Data: statistical analysis (descriptive, inferential, multivariate) causal Modeling (meditation, moderation models)

-> HP: a prediction derived from a theory concerning the relationship between variables

5.Human Resource Management Challenges:

-> HRM, Human Resource Management is organising, coordinating and managing employees, within an organisation to accomplish its mission, vision and goals.

  • Includes recruiting, hiring, training, compensating, retaining and motivating employees.


  • Selection, recruiting, and hiring new personnel
  • Extensive training and development
  • Performance management
  • Rewarding and compensation
  • Information sharing and communication
  • Ensuring employee security
  • Organizational design (i.e. manage teams, work spaces, flexibility, etc.)


-> But at the same time…

  • The spread of digital technologies has lowered the costs of storing and analyzing data
  • Digital technologies and the digitization of organizational processes have provided HR departments with more data and insights about their personnel
  • Advanced technologies enable the collection of data on employees’ well-being, behaviors, and needs

6.HR Analytics Definition & Diffusion

-> DEF2: proactive and systematic process for collecting, analysing, communicating, and using data and analytics in HRM to support organisations in achieving their strategic goals and objectives. 📌Falletta and Combs (2021)


  • DESCRIPTIVE: analyzing historical data to understand what has happened in the past. It focuses on summarizing and interpreting data to provide insights into past trends and patterns.
  • PREDICTIVE: using historical data and statistical algorithms to forecast future outcomes or trends. It aims to identify patterns in data that can be used to make predictions about future events or behaviors.
  • PRESCRIPTIVE: goes beyond predicting future outcomes by recommending actions to achieve desired outcomes. It uses advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to suggest the best course of action based on predictive models and business constraints.

7.HR Analytics Organizational Developmen

-> HR development over time depends on multiple organisational dimensions and levels

-> HR involves different stakeholders:

… and they has different objectives & expectations.

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